Formal Dinners & Fun Family Events
Throughout the year, Officers of the Calgary Garrison hold a number of social functions, some which are formal, steeped in Highland Military Traditions while others are simply an evening of fun and comradarie. This is one of the primary sources of raising the funds required to pay for the needs of running the Youth Squad. It is an evening of pomp, ceremony, haggis and great pipe music!
This year, we are also planning on a Whisky Tasting Night, a Pub Night, a Dinner and Dance function featuring a candle light dinner followed by an evening ot learning hjow to do various Scottish Country Dances!
Fine food, music, song, guest speakers, merriment and a series of toasts are all part of these events.
The Youth Squad normally plays a major role in these erstwhile events.
We have a fabulous line-up of events for the spring of 2025 that you will enjoy including:
11 January – Robbie Burns Dinner - Put on by LCol Jim Osborne and the parents and members of the Youth Squad. A fund raiser in support of our 'goal' trip to Scotland in the spring of 2026, to meet the Chief of Clan Fraser, visit Beauly Castle and walk the very ground that the origin Frasers inhabited in the mid-1700s!
8 March – Whisky Tasting Evening - Details to be Announced!
12 April – Spring Family BBQ - Details to be Announced!
17 May – A Day at the Musket Range - Details to be Announced!
22 June – Youth Squad Annual Inspection & Awards
19-20 July - Fraser Youth Squad 45th Anniversary Reunion - Details to be Announced!