Goals and Values

We have high standards of performance, behaviour, dress and deportment. It is not for everyone!
The 78th Fraser Highlanders Youth Squad is a living page of Canadian history. The squad is comprised of well-balanced, well-trained, informed individuals of high moral character and discipline.
We will ensure that Garrison social events are welcoming, well attended, well planned & executed, and widely regarded as entertaining, educational and of good value.
The Garrison itself-funded, with operating costs funded from Garrison membership, drawing on the resources of a membership base of at least 100 Officers and Miladies. As we are a Registered Charitable Trust with the ability to issue tax receipts in return for donations, our Youth Squad program is funded by the trust and proceeds from a share of provincial casino revenues through the AGLC.
The Garrison is dedicated to providing a Margin of Excellence in the training of the Youth Squad; offering experiences and training above-and-beyond that required to sustain a competent and worthy pipe band, including major field trips and enhanced training & performance opportunities.